On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 12:21:51 +0200
Cyrille Grange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I own an Nova-T and i just build a VDR 1.4.1 on debian testing.
> VDR work fine on my 19" monitor Throu Xorg and my Nvidia card, but i 
> can't play my videos (divx and others) with mplayer 'cause it didn't 
> find a valid DVB card (that's true, it's a soft device).
> Do you know wich "-vo" option i had to pass to mplayer for the soft 
> device or an other solution ?
> Regards.
> Cyrille

You can't use MPlayer to output through softdevice's video window.
That's why softplay (http://softdevice.berlios.de/softplay/index.html)
exists. However for your configuration, instead of softdevice and
softplay, I'd recommend vdr-xineliboutput
(http://users.tkk.fi/~phintuka/vdr/vdr-xineliboutput/), which uses
Xine's media playback capabilities to play a wide range of video and
audio files.


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