Jörn Reder wrote:
I'm having problems with VDR's decision of recording devices. The 1.4 change log states that budget cards are preferred, unfortunately my budget card has the CI. So when a recording starts and no pay TV channel
is actually tuned, the CI device is blocked and I can't switch to a pay
TV channel anymore (whithout stopping the recording).

Is it possible to tell VDR to prefer my FF card for recordings instead of my CI budget device?

Please try the attached patch.
With this change "avoiding full featured or primary cards" gets
less priority than "using the device with the lowest priority
or the lowest number of CA methods".

--- device.c	2006/07/29 10:03:56	1.134
+++ device.c	2006/08/06 09:37:21
@@ -295,10 +295,10 @@
          imp <<= 1; imp |= !device[i]->Receiving(true) || ndr;                     // use receiving devices if we don't need to detach existing receivers
          imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->Receiving();                                 // avoid devices that are receiving
          imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i] == ActualDevice();                            // avoid the actual device (in case of Transfer Mode)
-         imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->IsPrimaryDevice();                           // avoid the primary device
-         imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->HasDecoder();                                // avoid full featured cards
          imp <<= 8; imp |= min(max(device[i]->Priority() + MAXPRIORITY, 0), 0xFF); // use the device with the lowest priority (+MAXPRIORITY to assure that values -99..99 can be used)
          imp <<= 8; imp |= min(max(device[i]->ProvidesCa(Channel), 0), 0xFF);      // use the device that provides the lowest number of conditional access methods
+         imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->IsPrimaryDevice();                           // avoid the primary device
+         imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->HasDecoder();                                // avoid full featured cards
          if (imp < Impact) {
             // This device has less impact than any previous one, so we take it.
             Impact = imp;
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