Udo Richter wrote:

I have a suggestion for a VDR change: I could use a way to end a cThread externally without having to wait and without hard canceling it.

My thread runs with the usual while (Running()) loop. To signal the loop to stop, it would be enough to set running=false. However, running is a private member of cThread. The only way to set running=false is to call Cancel(). This involves killing the thread and waiting for the thread to terminate. Two things I actually don't want.

There are two ways this could be done. First, by adding a function SoftCancel() { running=false; }. Or second, by modifying Cancel() to just set running=false if called with Cancel(-1) or Cancel(0,false) or similar.

I would prefer using -1 as a special value for this, because this
wouldn't require an interface change.

Does the attached patch do what you want?

--- thread.h	2006/01/08 11:40:23	1.36
+++ thread.h	2006/09/24 10:05:41
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@
        ///< the Action() loop can finish in an orderly fashion and then waiting
        ///< up to WaitSeconds seconds for the thread to actually end. If the
        ///< thread doesn't end by itself, it is killed.
+       ///< If WaitSeconds is -1, only 'running' is set to false and Cancel()
+       ///< returns imemdiately, without killing the thread.
   cThread(const char *Description = NULL);
        ///< Creates a new thread.
--- thread.c	2006/08/20 10:20:44	1.57
+++ thread.c	2006/09/24 10:04:21
@@ -302,9 +302,11 @@
         esyslog("ERROR: %s thread %d won't end (waited %d seconds) - canceling it...", description ? description : "", childThreadId, WaitSeconds);
-     pthread_cancel(childTid);
-     childTid = 0;
-     active = false;
+     if (WaitSeconds > -1) {
+        pthread_cancel(childTid);
+        childTid = 0;
+        active = false;
+        }
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