Hi again,

Probably caused by this problem softdevice always starts suspended but I can't change to playing. When I try it always kept the suspended state.


Leo Márquez escribió:

Hi Stefan, thanks for your patch!!.
Now I can start and toggle between fullscreen and windowed modes without problems. This patch will be included in cvs version or I have to apply to every new release?
But ....I still with black screen. Now the syslog says:

Nov 5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]: XV_SWOV: available ports 68 - 68 Nov 5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]: XV_SWOV: format 0x30323449 is NOT in format list:
Nov  5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]:   0x32595559[YUY2]
Nov  5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]:   0x32315659[YV12]
Nov  5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]:   0x434d5658[VIA]
Nov  5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]:   0x35315652[RV15]
Nov  5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]:   0x36315652[RV16]
Nov  5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]:   0x32335652[RV32]
Nov 5 20:35:16 dori vdr: [4461] [XvVideoOut]: (ERROR) could not grab any port! No video possible!

I'm lost. I have reinstalled libavformat and recompiled softdevic plugins. What means this error? In osd I don't get any error and vdr not crashes. I use streamdev-client and in the server I see corrects attach and detach.

Thanks in advance.

Stefan Lucke escribió:

On Donnerstag 02 November 2006 23:38, Stefan Lucke wrote:
Quoting Leo Márquez:

Hi again,

Stefan Lucke escribió:

/ But after started it without problems now I get:

/>/ [softdevice] A/V devices initialized, now initializing MPEG2 Decoder />/ X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for
/>/ operation)
/>/   Major opcode of failed request:  145 (MIT-SHM)
/>/     Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_ShmPutImage)
/>/       Value in failed request:  0x3ff
Which are the startup options now ?
0x3ff = 1023 = 1024 - 11

My startup options are only "-vo xv:full"

Did you changed your X resolution via "ALT"+"CTRL"+"Keypad +" ?

No but I press the 'f' key to toggle between fullscreen and windowed vdr
The second time I run vdr with -vo xv:full don't work

Ah, I should have mentioned that you _must_ not toggle full screen ->
windowed mode, as windowed mode works with some default values
which even did not work previously (thats why I ask for full screen mode).

I'll send you a patch tomorrow that will restrict these values.

Ok, here comes the patch. I tested it with 640x480 resolution and now I do not get these failed request any more. In contrast to your setup, mine worked fine
when setting "softdevice.OSDalphablend = 1"  in vdr's setup.conf even
without the patch.


Index: video-xv.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/softdevice/softdevice/video-xv.c,v
retrieving revision 1.63
diff -U3 -r1.63 video-xv.c
--- video-xv.c    29 Sep 2006 19:17:18 -0000    1.63
+++ video-xv.c    3 Nov 2006 18:29:54 -0000
@@ -862,6 +862,23 @@
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   * limit widht and height to screen dimensions
+   */
+  {
+      int  screen_width, screen_height;
+    screen_width  = DisplayWidth(dpy, scn_id);
+    screen_height = DisplayHeight(dpy, scn_id);
+    +    if (height > screen_height)
+      old_dheight = lheight = dheight = height = screen_height;
+    if (width > screen_width)
+      old_dwidth = lwidth = dwidth = width = screen_width;
+  }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * default settings which allow arbitraray resizing of the window

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