I have an nvidia graphics card GeForce FX 5500, which supports xvmc.

However on vdr-sxfe it doesn't display the osd. Is there anyway I can 
persuade it to do so, is it a problem with my config, so is there no way?

I am running Gentoo.

vdr-sxfe xvdr://oac --video=xvmc


[2905] [input_vdr] Connecting (control) to tcp://oac:37890 ...
[2905] [input_vdr] Server greeting: VDR-1.4.6 xineliboutput-1.0.0rc2 READY
[2905] [input_vdr] Connected (control) to tcp://oac:37890
[2905] [input_vdr] Connecting (data) to 
[2905] [input_vdr] Data stream connected (PIPE)

[2905] [input_vdr] WARNING: Video output driver reports it does not 
support unscaled overlays !
libmpeg2: output port has XvMC capability
AFD changed from -2 to -1

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