Hi Klaus,

I noticed there isn't any wird about the loggingmechanism in the
plugin.html, so you have to search through the existing code in order to
see how to use it.
Maybe this should be added.
Shure, it's not very important, but because there is a common
loggingmechanism, it should receive one or two sentences :)
Maybe something like (just an idea):
If the plugin should print logmessages you can use dsyslog, isyslog or
  <li> dsyslog prints the logmessage only if the loglevel of vdr is set to
the level DEBUG.</li>
  <li> isyslog prints the logmessage only if the loglevel of vdr is set to
the level INFO.</li>
  <li> esyslog always prints the logmessage.</li>
The output of this log is the syslog of the system vdr is running on. The
logmessage can be formatted like printf.<br>
The logmessage will be given as provided, the pluginname will not
automatically be added, so make shure your logmessages are obvious



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