Hi List,

sorry but it's me again :/

I'm still trying to get plugindefined svdrp-commands to work, but even the
svdrpdemo-plugin doesn't work:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/vdr/vdr$ ./svdrpsend.pl help
> 220 vdr-entw SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 1.5.9; Thu Sep 27 09:20:53 2007
> 214-This is VDR version 1.5.9
> 214-Topics:
> 214-    CHAN      CLRE      DELC      DELR      DELT
> 214-    EDIT      GRAB      HELP      HITK      LSTC
> 214-    LSTE      LSTR      LSTT      MESG      MODC
> 214-    MODT      MOVC      MOVT      NEWC      NEWT
> 214-    NEXT      PLAY      PLUG      PUTE      REMO
> 214-    SCAN      STAT      UPDT      VOLU      QUIT
> 214-Plugin svdrpdemo v0.0.3 - How to add SVDRP support to a plugin
> 214-    DATE      TIME
> 214-To report bugs in the implementation send email to
> 214 End of HELP info
> 221 vdr-entw closing connection
(no error in syslog, loglevel 3)

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/vdr/vdr$ ./svdrpsend.pl DATE
> 220 vdr-entw SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 1.5.9; Thu Sep 27 09:22:06 2007
> 500 Command unrecognized: "DATE"
> 221 vdr-entw closing connection
(no error in syslog, loglevel 3)

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/vdr/vdr$ ./svdrpsend.pl help DATE
> 220 vdr-entw SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 1.5.9; Thu Sep 27 09:22:09 2007
> 504 HELP topic "DATE" unknown
> 221 vdr-entw closing connection
(no error in syslog, loglevel 3)

The vdr building commands are working:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/vdr/vdr$ ./svdrpsend.pl help REMO
> 220 vdr-entw SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 1.5.9; Thu Sep 27 09:22:57 2007
> 214-REMO [ on | off ]
> 214-    Turns the remote control on or off. Without a parameter, the
> 214     status of the remote control is reported.
> 214 End of HELP info
(btw, here the 221-line is missing and I'm getting "Sep 27 09:22:57
vdr-entw vdr: [16622] ERROR (svdrp.c,410): Broken pipe" in my syslog)

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/vdr/vdr$ ./svdrpsend.pl REMO off
> 220 vdr-entw SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 1.5.9; Thu Sep 27 09:23:11 2007
> 250 Remote control disabled
> 221 vdr-entw closing connection
(I'm getting "Sep 27 09:23:11 vdr-entw vdr: [16622] ERROR (svdrp.c,410):
Broken pipe" in my syslog)

I think I'm making something completely wrong, but I have no idea what
this could be...

Helpless Greetings


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