
I'm trying to set vdr building the packages from the e-tobi source packages.
I'm doing this because I want to run vdr as streamdev client, with no dvb
card in the client system.
The e-tobi source I'm using is:

deb-src http://e-tobi.net/vdr-experimental etch base addons vdr-multipatch

The problem I have is that if I do:

sudo apt-get build-dep vdr-plugin-xineliboutput

The system says me that any version of the libxine-dev package can satisfy
the xineliboutput dependencies.
If I ignore the message and try to build the .deb packages (satisfying
manually the dependences) there is a moment that apt ask me to update the
vdr package.
At this point I am a bit confused because I understand that this is a
conflict between my e-tobi installed vdr and the ubuntu hardy vdr package.

My goal on this is get a streamdev client vdr box with xineliboutput output.

Could anyone advise me to acquire my objective?

Thank you.

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