A new version of the patch 'vga-sync-fields-0.0.8.tgz' now is
available at:


History since last version announced here:

2008-09-08: Version 0.0.8

- enhanced a standalone tool for testing the Soft-PLL without xine-lib
  and Xserver
- a fix in xineliboutput configuration (see README) greatly improved
  responsiveness of Soft-PLL to channel switches
- implemented a workaround for sporadically lost interrupts on
  Radeon type hardware
- added experimental DRM and tools support for i810. I just started
  the port from Radeon to i810. It's not yet documented and
  far from complete

2008-08-23: Version 0.0.7

- added a small patch for recent hg xine-lib (1.1.16) from 2008-08-20.
  Together with the patch the actual xine-lib gives good results
  for playback and live-TV.

2008-08-21: Version 0.0.6

- fixed a bug that erroneously could trigger recovery actions as if 
  stray updates would have been occurred
- since 40ms enhancement (see below) issues with DVB budget cards 
  are considered as fixed. You now also can watch live-TV with the
  patch. But the time to switch a channel still should be optimized.
  It sometimes takes too long for the Soft-PLL to lock.

2008-08-19: Version 0.0.5

- frame rate now adapted every 1/25 second instead of only once per 
  second as before. This should make rate adaptions invisible even
  if they change by large values
- implemented a simple graphic which should give you a better
  overview of how regularly frame updates are issued from your decoder.
  And how the Soft-PLL copes with these updates
- automatic sync of initial field polarity now has been removed. It's 
  now part of 40ms double buffer update improvement (see vers. 0.0.4)
- simplified/changed interface to DRM-module
- adapted all tools to new interface

have fun!

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