On 12/29/2009 09:32 PM, Gerald Dachs wrote:

if I try to rewind a recording, I can see the movie going fast
backwards, but if I stop rewinding, the movie continues from the moment
I started the rewinding.
This doesn't happen with xine-ui and the xine-plugin and with xbmc
using the streamdev-plugin, so I believe it is a xineliboutput problem.

I use a cvs snapshot from today and vdr 1.7.10 on Ubuntu 9.10,
xinelib 1.2 with vdpau patch r285 and durchflieger cropping patch.

I posted this already on the xineliboutput-user ML, but this list seems
to be dead.


It should work for old PES recordings, I think. The changelog reveals that backward trickspeed is not yet even expected to work: http://xineliboutput.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xineliboutput/vdr-xineliboutput/device.c?sortby=date&view=log

(see revision 1.81: forward trick speeds should now work. Backward trickspeeds won't work yet)


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