
Am 19.06.2010 19:44, schrieb Teemu Rantanen:

there is a bug in epgsearch which leaks file descriptors if epgsearch cannot connect to the SVDRP port. Everything works well for a while until all file descriptor slots are in use and process cannot open any file anymore. Then VDR will either stop showing live TV, stop recording, crash or do something else weird. Or any combination of the following. I lost couple of recordings because of this bug, as I wasn't careful enough to check what was changed between 1.7.14 and 1.7.15...

sorry about that. For those using the newest vdr version, I would always recommend to use epgsearch's git too. The git version already had the new default port depending on vdr's api version.

The fix can be found from the following patch:


Hoping to see the fix in 0.9.25-beta17 :-)

Thanks for the patch. It's now part of the git:


and here we go with a new beta:


Best regards,

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