
cPatPmtGenerator::MakeLanguageDescriptor in remux.c incorrectly flags
all audio tracks as "clean effects", which means a track without any
voice or language.

The proper solution would be to preserve the audio_type of the original
stream (which may indicate e.g. a visual-impaired audio track, as used
for e.g. automated subtitles-to-speech audio tracks by YLE here in Finland).

The attached patch is a simpler stop-gap measure that simply always sets
the audio_type to the value of 0x00 which means a "normal" track, which
is obviously better than marking the track as a special "clean effects" one.

Anssi Hannula
--- vdr-1.7.16/remux.c	2010-06-05 16:32:15.000000000 +0300
+++ vdr-1.7.16-m/remux.c	2011-02-14 19:37:58.575610709 +0200
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
       Target[i++] = *Language++;
       Target[i++] = *Language++;
       Target[i++] = *Language++;
-      Target[i++] = 0x01;     // audio type
+      Target[i++] = 0x00;     // audio type
       Target[Length] += 0x04; // length
       if (*Language == '+')
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