On Fri, 03 Feb 2012 22:08:59 +0100
Tobi <listacco...@e-tobi.net> wrote:

> On 03.02.2012 16:22, Manfred Schmidt-Voigt wrote:
> > working xineplugin (xineplug_inp_xvdr.so) for the xine-ui. xine-ui now ist
> > based on libxine2 but the libxine1-xvdr plugin is based on libxine1 (as
> > the name allready states). Are there any plans to create a debian package
> > of the plugin which fits also to libxine2?
> I'll upload a new package tonight.

Thanks for your work on these packages. VDPAU support at last! I've been
so reluctant to compile all this stuff myself, maintaining it on at
least 3 PCs and making sure it doesn't clash with other ffmpeg-based
packages etc (or worse, switch to mythtv) that I hadn't been enjoying HD
until now.

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