On 01.05.2012 13:07, brian wrote:
On 05/01/2012 11:54 AM, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
On 01.05.2012 07:50, brian wrote:
doing some pretty heavy testing of VDR 1.7.21 as part of gen2vdr V3 and have 
now twice had the case
that a recording did not end. Supposed to end at 23:10 yesterday, still going 
strong at 06:00 this
morning. Can't find anything in the history file of VDR that this is a know 
problem and has been fixed in
later versions.
Here is some of the log:

Apr 30 21:59:00 [vdr] [2496] timer 1 (1 2159-2310 'Silent Witness') start
Apr 30 21:59:00 [vdr] [2496] Title: 'Silent Witness' Subtitle: 'Fear - Part Two'
Apr 30 21:59:00 [vdr] [2496] executing '/tmp/vdr/vdr_record before 
Apr 30 21:59:00 [logger] BJD g2v_record.sh Called: 0 = /tmp/vdr/vdr_record
Apr 30 21:59:00 [logger] 2012-04-30 21:59 /tmp/vdr/vdr_record before 
Apr 30 21:59:00 [logger] /usr/sbin/mailtext: Started Start 2012-04-30 21.59 
Silent Witness.
Apr 30 21:59:00 [logger] [g2v_rec_msg.sh] Silent Witness: Warte auf Verzeichnis
- Last output repeated 2 times -
Apr 30 21:59:01 [sSMTP] Sent mail for brian_dorl...@t-online.de (221 2.0.0 
fwd22.t-online.de closing. / Verbindung wird getrennt.) u
Apr 30 21:59:01 [logger] Apr 30 21:59:01 gen2vdr sendemail[3863]: Email was 
sent successfully!
Apr 30 21:59:01 [logger] /usr/sbin/mailtext: Done
Apr 30 21:59:01 [vdr] [2496] record 
Apr 30 21:59:01 [vdr] [2496] creating directory 
Apr 30 21:59:02 [vdr] [2496] recording to 

Doesn't seem to try to end at 23:10

Apr 30 22:59:50 [vdr] [2738] channel 1 (BBC 1 London) event Mon 30.04.2012 
23:00-23:25 'BBC News' status 4
Apr 30 23:00:01 [cron] (root) CMD (rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.hourly)
Apr 30 23:01:59 [vdr] [2734] read incomplete section - len = 428, r = 214
Apr 30 23:12:36 [ntpd] peer now valid
Apr 30 23:12:39 [ntpd] peer now valid
Apr 30 23:12:48 [ntpd] peer now valid
Apr 30 23:14:41 [vdr] [3935] recording to 
Apr 30 23:18:11 [kernel] lirc_serial: ignoring spike: 1 1 4f9f0193 4f9f0190 
87401 aa74b
Apr 30 23:20:41 [ntpd] skew change -36.162 exceeds limit
Apr 30 23:20:41 [ntpd] clock is now synced

Still going strong:

May 01 00:07:37 [vdr] [2738] channel 1 (BBC 1 London) event Tue 01.05.2012 
00:05-00:35 'Late Kick Off' status 4
May 01 00:19:30 [vdr] [3935] recording to 
May 01 00:24:40 [vdr] [2779] TVTV: Packed String: DKVxHLuoiXDxsDu98Eavvg==
May 01 01:23:04 [vdr] [3935] recording to 

Deleted the timer manually:

May 01 06:37:39 [vdr] [2496] timer 1 (1 2159-2310 'Silent Witness') stop
May 01 06:37:39 [vdr] [2496] executing '/tmp/vdr/vdr_record after 
May 01 06:37:39 [logger] BJD g2v_record.sh Called: 0 = /tmp/vdr/vdr_record
May 01 06:37:39 [logger] 2012-05-01 06:37 /tmp/vdr/vdr_record after 
May 01 06:37:39 [logger] /usr/sbin/mailtext: Started End 2012-04-30 21.59 
Silent Witness.
May 01 06:37:39 [vdr] [3939] TS buffer on device 3 thread ended (pid=2496, 
May 01 06:37:39 [vdr] [3936] buffer stats: 95316 (4%) used
May 01 06:37:39 [vdr] [3936] receiver on device 3 thread ended (pid=2496, 

Any ideas?

Did this happen only once, or is it reproducible?

Is this "plain vanilla" VDR or are there any patches involved.
I never had this problem with plain vanilla VDR.


vdr mailing list


second time now. Its the standard gen2vdr distribution so various patches and 
plugins I guess.

I am not trying to use VPS, can I rule that out due to the messages shown?

Since there is no VPS keyword in the timer line at

  Apr 30 21:59:00 [vdr] [2496] timer 1 (1 2159-2310 'Silent Witness') start

it's safe to assume that VPS is not being used.

>Apr 30 23:01:59 [vdr] [2734] read incomplete section - len = 428, r = 214

Is the above message important?


I'll try to strip it down then and see if it reoccurs.

Try to get rid of as many patches as possible (preferably all of them ;-).
And use only the plugin necessary for output, nothing else.


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