Forgot to answer everything on prev mail. sorry


On 10 בנוב 2011, at 22:10, "Dan Kenigsberg" 
<<>> wrote:

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 03:22:31PM +0000, Roi Dayan wrote:

Roi, I'm thrilled to see communitee contributions to Vdsm. Thanks. However,
please notice Federico's requests.

We use an rpm version: vdsm-4.9-106.el6.x86_64

Nonetheless, please send patches against current master branch. Otherwise,
someone that is not as familiar as you with your code would have to do the
rebasing, which is not healthy.

First change makes target login to try transport iSER and if fails to try 
transport iSCSI.
Second change is adding '-o new' to the discovery command so already discovered 
targets settings won't be overridden
with default settings.

Would you elaborate on that? I am a bit worried about the changed semantics. why
is it related to the iSER patch?


---    2011-11-01 12:35:06.707272165 +0200
+++    2011-11-09 11:52:01.935067375 +0200
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
import storage_exception as se
import devicemapper

-SENDTARGETS_DISCOVERY = [constants.EXT_ISCSIADM, "-m", "discoverydb", "-t", 
+SENDTARGETS_DISCOVERY = [constants.EXT_ISCSIADM, "-m", "discoverydb", "-t", 
"sendtargets", "-o", "new"]
ISCSIADM_NODE = [constants.EXT_ISCSIADM, "-m", "node"]
ISCSIADM_IFACE = [constants.EXT_ISCSIADM, "-m", "iface"]
@@ -376,6 +376,28 @@

    return rc, out

+def setNodeTransport(portal, iqn, transport='tcp'):
+    """Configure a node transport
+transport :tcp, iser
+    """
+    if transport not in ['tcp', 'iser']:
+        transport = 'tcp'
+'Set transport %s to target %s on portal %s' % (transport, iqn, 
+    cmds = [
+        [constants.EXT_ISCSIADM] + '-m node -o update -n 
node.conn[0].iscsi.HeaderDigest -v None'.split(),
+        [constants.EXT_ISCSIADM] + ('-m node -o update -n iface.transport_name 
-v '+transport).split()

Why do the splitting on runtime? Better spell out the list in the code.

I'll change that but I'm pretty sure python compiler handles that and after pyc 
is created its the same.

+    ]
+    cmds[0] += ['-p', portal, '-T', iqn]
+    cmds[1] += ['-p', portal, '-T', iqn]
+    for cmd in cmds:
+        rc = misc.execCmd(cmd)[0]
+        if rc != 0:
+            raise se.iSCSILoginError(portal)
def remiSCSIPortal(ip, port):
    Removes iSCSI portal from discovery list
@@ -467,9 +489,16 @@
                raise se.SetiSCSIPasswdError(portal)

        # Finally instruct the iscsi initiator to login to the target
+       # try iser first and then tcp
+       setNodeTransport(portal, iqn, 'iser')

This looks like a whitespace damage

I'll check that. It's probably from the copy paste since python breaks on bad 
spaces and everything is running fine.

        cmd = cmdt + ["-l", "-p", portal]
        rc = misc.execCmd(cmd)[0]
        if rc != 0:
+                # now try iSCSI
+                setNodeTransport(portal, iqn, 'tcp')
+                cmd = cmdt + ["-l", "-p", portal]
+                rc = misc.execCmd(cmd)[0]

Setting the node trasport first, and doing discovery later is race-prone.
Doesn't iscsiadm support expressing the transport on the discovery command?
What is the span of setNodeTransport? Would it affect things other than login?

>From what I've checked iscsiadm doesn't tell you the transport in discovery.

+        if rc != 0:
            raise se.iSCSILoginError(portal)
    except se.StorageException:
        exc_class, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
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