On 2012-6-25 15:21, Shu Ming wrote:

I am reading the code of merge() function in image.py and get one question about the code. I wonder why we should get the volume parameters from the parent of the destination volume if the parent is existing instead from the destination volume itself?

1101    if dstParentUUID != sd.BLANK_UUID:
                    volParams = vols[dstParentUUID].getVolumeParams()
 1105           volParams = dstVol.getVolumeParams()

In my understanding, the volParams is different in internal volume merge and base volume merge(merging to a top most base without parent). For internal volume merge, the volParams comes from the parent of the destination volume. While for base volume merge, the volParams comes from the destination volume. Is it correct?

Shu Ming <shum...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
IBM China Systems and Technology Laboratory

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