Actually setting up isos and installing an OS is an overkill IMHO.
Using libguestfs seems simpler as it has python bindings.

What you could do is:
1. use libguest fs to format a file system on an image
2. Put files on said file system with libguestfs
3. Snapshot
4. run fsck with libguestfs
5. rinse
6. repeast

If you don't trust fsck to detect all issues you can use libguestfs to get an 
md5sum of the raw drive and make sure that after a snapshot it stays the same.

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Shu Ming" <>
> To: "VDSM Project Development" <>
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 10:28:25 PM
> Subject: [vdsm] Verify the storage data integrity after some storage 
> operations with test cases
> Hi,
>   To verify the storage data integrity after some storage operations
> like snapshot, merging by VDSM.  Here are the test cases I am
> pondering.
> I would like to know your feedback about these thoughts.
> 1) An customized ISO image with the agent  required prepared for
> bringing up a VM in VDSM
> 2) The test case will inform VDSM to create a VM from the customized
> image
> 3) The test case will install an IO application to the VM
> 3) The test case communicate with the VDSM to inform the IO
> application
> in the VM to write some data intentionally.
> 4) The test case sends the commands to VDSM do some storage operation
> like disk snapshot, volume merging, &etc.
>       Say snapshot operation here for an example.
> 5) VDSM then tell the test case the result of the operation like the
> name of the snapshot.
> 6) Test case can read the  snapshot made to verify the snapshot with
> the
> data written in 3).
>       Note: currently, there is no tool to read the snapshot image
> directly.  We can restart the VM with the snapshot as
>       the active disk and tell the IO application in the VM to read
>       the
> data writen before for test case.  And test case can compare
>        the data read with the data it informs the application in 3).
> 7) If the two data matches, the storage operation succeed or it
> fails.
> In order to write such a test case, these VDSM features will be
> required.
> 1) VDSM can create a VM from a specific ISO image  (Almost works)
> 2) Test case can install an IO application to the VM by VDSM (by
> ovirt-agent?)
> 3) Test case must have some protocols with the IO application in VM
> for
> passing the command to the VM and returning the result from the VM
>       to the test case(by ovirt-agent?).
> 4) The IO application can be seen as an test agent.  We may extend
> the
> existing agent like ovirt-agent as the IO application.
> --
> Shu Ming <>
> IBM China Systems and Technology Laboratory
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