Hello everyone,

In the coming weeks, starting today, I'm beginning an effort to profile and 
benchmark VDSM
in order to let it scale better and address some performance issues which are 

On this mail (thread) I'd like to share and discuss my plan.

At the moment, the plan is:
- define and share (wiki page?) benchmarking/profiling scenarios,
aiming first to reproduce the "Monday Morning" effect (mass startup of many 
VMs), possibly
the sampling threading battle and after that anything else which may be useful.

- (maybe?) provide a benchmarking results template, something like a 
spreadsheet, in order
to make the results easily processable and shareable (e.g. 'A' does the tests, 
'B' analyzes
the results and so on)

- create minimal support infrastructure (scripts) to run the benchmarks
defined on the bullet point above, gather the profile data and present it

- measure the impact of performance improvements, like 

- find new bottlenecks

- share the results

The goal is to have a set of tools which allow us to find possible bottlenecks 
and to easily
reproduce the results.

For the long term, my not-so-secret-wish is to have something like 
(http://bench.ovirt.org ? :) ) which is really nice and, AFAIK, fully automated 

Any suggestion or comment is the most welcome.
I'll update this thread with further information in the next days.


Francesco Romani
RedHat Engineering Virtualization R & D
Phone: 8261328
IRC: fromani
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