Normally I do:
from vdsm import vdscli
connection = vdscli.connect()

Now you can check out and call it
according to its signature. No need to guess how the CLI works...

----- Original Message -----
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Sandro Bonazzola" <>
> > To: "VDSM Project Development" <>
> > Cc: "Antoni Segura Puimedon" <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 12:54:45 PM
> > Subject: creating ovirtmgmt bridge using tagged vlans
> > 
> > Hi,
> > I'm working on: Bug 1072027 - hosted-engine setup fails when using VLAN
> > tagged interfaces
> > 
> > Provided the following caps:
> > 
> > # vdsClient -s localhost getVdsHardwareInfo
> >     systemFamily = 'Not Specified'
> >     systemManufacturer = 'Dell Inc.'
> >     systemProductName = 'OptiPlex 7010'
> >     systemSerialNumber = 'DYC5YX1'
> >     systemUUID = '4C4C4544-0059-4310-8035-C4C04F595831'
> >     systemVersion = '01'
> > [root@dellserver network-scripts]# vdsClient -s localhost getVdsCap
> > getVdsCapabilities  getVdsCaps
> > [root@dellserver network-scripts]# vdsClient -s localhost getVdsCaps
> >     HBAInventory = {'FC': [], 'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName':
> >     ''}]}
> >     ISCSIInitiatorName = ''
> >     bondings = {'bond0': {'addr': '',
> >                           'cfg': {},
> >                           'hwaddr': '5a:46:b1:db:ec:9b',
> >                           'ipv6addrs': [],
> >                           'mtu': '1500',
> >                           'netmask': '',
> >                           'slaves': []}}
> >     bridges = {';vdsmdummy;': {'addr': '',
> >                                'cfg': {},
> >                                'gateway': '',
> >                                'ipv6addrs': 
> > ['fe80::8c8a:edff:fe92:b332/64'],
> >                                'ipv6gateway': '::',
> >                                'mtu': '1500',
> >                                'netmask': '',
> >                                'ports': [],
> >                                'stp': 'off'}}
> >     clusterLevels = ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3', '3.4']
> >     cpuCores = '4'
> >     cpuFlags =
> > 'fpu,vme,de,pse,tsc,msr,pae,mce,cx8,apic,sep,mtrr,pge,mca,cmov,pat,pse36,clflush,dts,acpi,mmx,fxsr,sse,sse2,ss,ht,tm,pbe,syscall,nx,rdtscp,lm,constant_tsc,arch_perfmon,pebs,bts,rep_good,nopl,xtopology,nonstop_tsc,aperfmperf,eagerfpu,pni,pclmulqdq,dtes64,monitor,ds_cpl,vmx,smx,est,tm2,ssse3,cx16,xtpr,pdcm,pcid,sse4_1,sse4_2,x2apic,popcnt,tsc_deadline_timer,aes,xsave,avx,f16c,rdrand,lahf_lm,ida,arat,epb,xsaveopt,pln,pts,dtherm,tpr_shadow,vnmi,flexpriority,ept,vpid,fsgsbase,smep,erms,model_Nehalem,model_Conroe,model_coreduo,model_core2duo,model_Penryn,model_Westmere,model_n270,model_SandyBridge'
> >     cpuModel = 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz'
> >     cpuSockets = '1'
> >     cpuSpeed = '1864.156'
> >     cpuThreads = '8'
> >     emulatedMachines = ['pc',
> >                         'pc-q35-1.4',
> >                         'pc-q35-1.5',
> >                         'q35',
> >                         'isapc',
> >                         'pc-0.10',
> >                         'pc-0.11',
> >                         'pc-0.12',
> >                         'pc-0.13',
> >                         'pc-0.14',
> >                         'pc-0.15',
> >                         'pc-1.0',
> >                         'pc-1.1',
> >                         'pc-1.2',
> >                         'pc-1.3',
> >                         'pc-i440fx-1.4',
> >                         'pc-i440fx-1.5',
> >                         'none']
> >     guestOverhead = '65'
> >     hooks = {}
> >     kvmEnabled = 'true'
> >     lastClient = ''
> >     lastClientIface = 'lo'
> >     management_ip = ''
> >     memSize = '15936'
> >     netConfigDirty = 'False'
> >     networks = {}
> >     nics = {'em1': {'addr': '',
> >                     'cfg': {'DEVICE': 'em1',
> >                             'HWADDR': 'b8:ca:3a:76:9a:43',
> >                             'MTU': '1500',
> >                             'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
> >                     'hwaddr': 'b8:ca:3a:76:9a:43',
> >                     'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::baca:3aff:fe76:9a43/64'],
> >                     'mtu': '1500',
> >                     'netmask': '',
> >                     'speed': 1000}}
> >     operatingSystem = {'name': 'Fedora', 'release': '8', 'version': '19'}
> >     packages2 = {'kernel': {'buildtime': 1394207804.0,
> >                             'release': '100.fc19.x86_64',
> >                             'version': '3.13.6'},
> >                  'libvirt': {'buildtime': 1387094943,
> >                              'release': '1.fc19',
> >                              'version': ''},
> >                  'mom': {'buildtime': 1391183561, 'release': '1.fc19',
> >                  'version': '0.4.0'},
> >                  'qemu-img': {'buildtime': 1384762225,
> >                               'release': '2.fc19',
> >                               'version': '1.6.1'},
> >                  'qemu-kvm': {'buildtime': 1384762225,
> >                               'release': '2.fc19',
> >                               'version': '1.6.1'},
> >                  'spice-server': {'buildtime': 1383130020,
> >                                   'release': '3.fc19',
> >                                   'version': '0.12.4'},
> >                  'vdsm': {'buildtime': 1394889953,
> >                           'release': '2.git7a51fe1.fc19',
> >                           'version': '4.14.5'}}
> >     reservedMem = '321'
> >     rngSources = ['random']
> >     software_revision = '2'
> >     software_version = '4.14'
> >     supportedENGINEs = ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3', '3.4']
> >     supportedProtocols = ['2.2', '2.3']
> >     uuid = '4C4C4544-0059-4310-8035-C4C04F595831'
> >     version_name = 'Snow Man'
> >     vlans = {'em1.5': {'addr': '',
> >                        'cfg': {'DEVICE': 'em1.5',
> >                                'HWADDR': 'b8:ca:3a:76:9a:43',
> >                                'MTU': '1500',
> >                                'ONBOOT': 'yes',
> >                                'VLAN': 'yes'},
> >                        'iface': 'em1',
> >                        'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::baca:3aff:fe76:9a43/64'],
> >                        'mtu': '1500',
> >                        'netmask': '',
> >                        'vlanid': 5}}
> >     vmTypes = ['kvm']
> > [root@dellserver network-scripts]# vdsClient -s localhost getVdsCaps
> > iface=em1.5
> >     HBAInventory = {'FC': [], 'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName':
> >     ''}]}
> >     ISCSIInitiatorName = ''
> >     bondings = {'bond0': {'addr': '',
> >                           'cfg': {},
> >                           'hwaddr': '5a:46:b1:db:ec:9b',
> >                           'ipv6addrs': [],
> >                           'mtu': '1500',
> >                           'netmask': '',
> >                           'slaves': []}}
> >     bridges = {';vdsmdummy;': {'addr': '',
> >                                'cfg': {},
> >                                'gateway': '',
> >                                'ipv6addrs': 
> > ['fe80::8c8a:edff:fe92:b332/64'],
> >                                'ipv6gateway': '::',
> >                                'mtu': '1500',
> >                                'netmask': '',
> >                                'ports': [],
> >                                'stp': 'off'}}
> >     clusterLevels = ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3', '3.4']
> >     cpuCores = '4'
> >     cpuFlags =
> > 'fpu,vme,de,pse,tsc,msr,pae,mce,cx8,apic,sep,mtrr,pge,mca,cmov,pat,pse36,clflush,dts,acpi,mmx,fxsr,sse,sse2,ss,ht,tm,pbe,syscall,nx,rdtscp,lm,constant_tsc,arch_perfmon,pebs,bts,rep_good,nopl,xtopology,nonstop_tsc,aperfmperf,eagerfpu,pni,pclmulqdq,dtes64,monitor,ds_cpl,vmx,smx,est,tm2,ssse3,cx16,xtpr,pdcm,pcid,sse4_1,sse4_2,x2apic,popcnt,tsc_deadline_timer,aes,xsave,avx,f16c,rdrand,lahf_lm,ida,arat,epb,xsaveopt,pln,pts,dtherm,tpr_shadow,vnmi,flexpriority,ept,vpid,fsgsbase,smep,erms,model_Nehalem,model_Conroe,model_coreduo,model_core2duo,model_Penryn,model_Westmere,model_n270,model_SandyBridge'
> >     cpuModel = 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz'
> >     cpuSockets = '1'
> >     cpuSpeed = '2287.164'
> >     cpuThreads = '8'
> >     emulatedMachines = ['pc',
> >                         'pc-q35-1.4',
> >                         'pc-q35-1.5',
> >                         'q35',
> >                         'isapc',
> >                         'pc-0.10',
> >                         'pc-0.11',
> >                         'pc-0.12',
> >                         'pc-0.13',
> >                         'pc-0.14',
> >                         'pc-0.15',
> >                         'pc-1.0',
> >                         'pc-1.1',
> >                         'pc-1.2',
> >                         'pc-1.3',
> >                         'pc-i440fx-1.4',
> >                         'pc-i440fx-1.5',
> >                         'none']
> >     guestOverhead = '65'
> >     hooks = {}
> >     kvmEnabled = 'true'
> >     lastClient = ''
> >     lastClientIface = 'lo'
> >     management_ip = ''
> >     memSize = '15936'
> >     netConfigDirty = 'False'
> >     networks = {}
> >     nics = {'em1': {'addr': '',
> >                     'cfg': {'DEVICE': 'em1',
> >                             'HWADDR': 'b8:ca:3a:76:9a:43',
> >                             'MTU': '1500',
> >                             'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
> >                     'hwaddr': 'b8:ca:3a:76:9a:43',
> >                     'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::baca:3aff:fe76:9a43/64'],
> >                     'mtu': '1500',
> >                     'netmask': '',
> >                     'speed': 1000}}
> >     operatingSystem = {'name': 'Fedora', 'release': '8', 'version': '19'}
> >     packages2 = {'kernel': {'buildtime': 1394207804.0,
> >                             'release': '100.fc19.x86_64',
> >                             'version': '3.13.6'},
> >                  'libvirt': {'buildtime': 1387094943,
> >                              'release': '1.fc19',
> >                              'version': ''},
> >                  'mom': {'buildtime': 1391183561, 'release': '1.fc19',
> >                  'version': '0.4.0'},
> >                  'qemu-img': {'buildtime': 1384762225,
> >                               'release': '2.fc19',
> >                               'version': '1.6.1'},
> >                  'qemu-kvm': {'buildtime': 1384762225,
> >                               'release': '2.fc19',
> >                               'version': '1.6.1'},
> >                  'spice-server': {'buildtime': 1383130020,
> >                                   'release': '3.fc19',
> >                                   'version': '0.12.4'},
> >                  'vdsm': {'buildtime': 1394889953,
> >                           'release': '2.git7a51fe1.fc19',
> >                           'version': '4.14.5'}}
> >     reservedMem = '321'
> >     rngSources = ['random']
> >     software_revision = '2'
> >     software_version = '4.14'
> >     supportedENGINEs = ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3', '3.4']
> >     supportedProtocols = ['2.2', '2.3']
> >     uuid = '4C4C4544-0059-4310-8035-C4C04F595831'
> >     version_name = 'Snow Man'
> >     vlans = {'em1.5': {'addr': '',
> >                        'cfg': {'DEVICE': 'em1.5',
> >                                'HWADDR': 'b8:ca:3a:76:9a:43',
> >                                'MTU': '1500',
> >                                'ONBOOT': 'yes',
> >                                'VLAN': 'yes'},
> >                        'iface': 'em1',
> >                        'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::baca:3aff:fe76:9a43/64'],
> >                        'mtu': '1500',
> >                        'netmask': '',
> >                        'vlanid': 5}}
> >     vmTypes = ['kvm']
> > 
> > 
> > How have I to call vdsClient addNetwork for creating the bridge using em1.5
> > ?
> vdsClient -s 0 addNetwork bridge=ovirtmgmt nics=em1 vlan=5 # And the
> bootproto/ipaddr config you want after that.
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Sandro Bonazzola
> > Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
> > See how it works at
> > 
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