Hi all,

Please review this patch:

The short term goal of this patch is to allow debugging of this nasty bug:

The long term goal is having an easy way to profile vdsm in the field and
during development, initiative started by Francesco.

Here are some docs to help you get started with the profiler.

Installing yappi

To try this patch, you must install yappi:

1. wget http://yappi.googlecode.com/files/yappi-0.82.tar.gz
2. tar xzf yappi-0.82.tar.gz
3. cd yappi-0.82
4. sudo python setup.py install

If you want to build an rpm, the quickest way is:

1. Fix MANIFEST.in so it looks like this:

    include *.h
    include ez_setup.py                                                         

2. Build rpm

    $ python setup.py bdist_rpm

You rpm is located in dist.

I built rpm packages for fedora and rhel (looking for a place to share them)

Using the profiler

Enbale the profiler in vdsm.conf:

    profile_enable = False

If the profiling is enabled, profiling stats early in vdsm startup,
and stopped when vdsm receives a termination signal. The profile is saved
to /tmp/vdsmd.prof.

IMPORTANT: After you are done, disable profiling.

To explore profile, open it in the pstat commnad shell:

    $ python -m pstats /tmp/vdsmd.prof

To view top 30 expensive functions:

    % sort time
    % stats 30

To view top 30 functions including time spent in called functions:

    % sort cumulative
    % stats 30

To view callers (who is calling foo() 300,000 times?)

    % callers 30

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