Matt Raible said:
> I'm trying to enhance struts-menu (,
> demo at to allow for Velocity
> Templates.  I've got most of it working, but I'm having a few issues.

i'll see if i can give a few answers...

> I've added the #local declaration to my velocity-1.4-dev.jar and
> everything is working fine there.  I have the template below that also
> works great.  However, since the #eval macro and the #displayMenu macro
> will likely be the same for all menus, I thought I'd put them in a
> global library.  To do this, I declared the following in my
> file:
> velocimacro.library = macros.vm
> velocimacro.library.autoreload = true
> velocimacro.context.localscope = true
> # allow users to modify displayMenu and eval macros in their local
> templates
> = true
> velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline.local.scope = false
> And then I moved these two macros to macros.vm.  This actually works
> with the template below.
> FIRST QUESTION:  Why do I have to reload this webapp every time I change
> the template?  I've turned off caching on all my loaders.  I'd love for
> these template to be live JSPs (at least for development) where I can
> redeploy, refresh in browser, and can view my changes.

uh, first off, these are Velocity templates, not JSPs.  they're two different
things that will stay different.

second, i believe the 'velocimacro.library.autoreload = true' is not working
because the WebappLoader does not presently have functioning
isSourceModified() and getLastModified() methods.  the Servlet API does not
have any easy way to implement these.  at one point, i looked into how it
could be done, and i remember that i thought it could be, but i never went
through with it or tested it.  i'm just too busy right now.  if you or someone
else needs it anytime soon, then they'll need to step up with a patch.  this
is open source; the person with the itch should do the scratching.

or alternately, you could try using the FileResourceLoader (not incredibly
easy or portable in a web environment).

> SECOND QUESTION:  I have a 2nd template that is similar to the one
> below, but it as a different #menuItem macro - with
> $displayer.getMessage($menu.title), rather than simply $menu.title.  If
> I have all macros in the same template (no library), this works fine,
> but with a global library, I get:
> WARN - SimpleLog4JLogSystem.logVelocityMessage(172) |
> org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.Referenc
> eException: reference : template = /table.html [line 9,column 5] :
> $displayer.getMessage($menu.title
> ) is not a valid reference.

if it's not a valid reference, then it's not a valid reference.  without
knowing what the $displayer or $menu references are (or are supposed to be),
how can we help you?  you seem to assume that some here is familiar with your
code or is willing to take the time to look through all of it to find the
relevant parts.  i have to warn you, that's not likely to happen.

> ## Evaluates other macros.
> #macro(eval $_macro)$_macro#end
> #macro( displayMenu $menu $level )
>   #if ($menu.components.size() > 0)
>     ## display top menu
>     #menuItem($menu $level)
>     #foreach ($menu in $menu.components)
>       #local ($menu $level)
>         #set ($level = $level+1)
>         #if ($menu.components.size() > 0)
>           #eval("#displayMenu($menu $level)")
>         #else
>           #menuItem($menu $level)
>         #end
>       #end
>     #end
>   #else
>     #menuItem($menu $level)
>   #end
> #end
> #macro( menuItem $menu $level )
>   #foreach ($i in [0..$level])
>   #end
>   #if ($menu.url)
>     <a href="$menu.url" title="$menu.title">
>         $menu.title</a>
>   #else
>     $menu.title
>   #end
>   <br />
> #end
> #displayMenu($menu 0)

thanks, but i'm not sure what these have to do with your questions (or which
question they're about).

> THIRD QUESTION: There seems to be an issue when you have two menus
> (menu:useMenuDisplayer tag) on one page (each using different
> templates). The second menu seems to try and use parts of the first
> table's template - very strange.

yep, sounds strange.  but i don't know what anything about these menus or
where they are getting their templates from.  i've never used struts-menu

> LAST QUESTION: I'm using a custom WebappResourceLoader (from Roller,
> source = that supposedly borrows heavily from
>  I'd rather just
> use the one in Velocity, but I can't seem to get it to work.  The one in
> Roller is initialized with one simple call:
> WebappResourceLoader.setServletContext(pageContext.getServletContext());

that's a shame.  but just telling us "i can't get it to work" doesn't help us
help you.  you're practically begging to be referred to the "How to Ask Smart
Questions" document here.  :)

now, if you couldn't get to the WebappLoader to work, then why wasn't this
your first question?  if you are using Roller's derivative of the
WebappLoader, then ask them about your loader issues.

also, why are you telling us how the Roller one works? how is that relevant
here? if you're having trouble with our WebappLoader, you should tell us how
you are trying to use our WebappLoader, not theirs.  a suggestion:  look at
how the VelocityViewServlet (in the VelocityTools' CVS or source distribution)
uses the WebappLoader for an example of how to make it work.

Nathan Bubna

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