Hello Leo,

For starters, try and initialize velocity with a Properties object loaded 
using a Resource. Make sure that velocity.properties is in the classpath.

InputStream vProps = 

try {
        Properties properties = new Properties();                   
        VelocityEngine velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine();
        VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
catch(Exception e) {
        logger.error("velocity engine failed to initialise", e);

Also, in velocity.properties you have to specify the template loader to use. 
(have a look here for template loaders, 

Try ClasspathLoader
resource.loader = production

production.loader.description = "Production Resource Loader"
production.resource.loader.class = 

When using velocityEngine.getTemplate(String) just make sure that the path is 
in the following format

and that "templates/" dir is in the classpath since you are using a 


On Tuesday 28 June 2005 09:06, Leo Asanov wrote:
> Hi!
> What is the right way to initialize Velocity outside
> of a servlet? My application works fine when I'm using
> VelocityViewServlet, but when I'm trying to initialize
> Velocity from any standard Java class (with
> Velocity.init(absolutePathToPropertiesFile))
> Velocity.mergeTemplate always throws
> "ResourceNotFound" exception.
> I guess this happens because Velocity cannot get
> parent directory of a web application without a
> reference to servlet context. But I'm not sure what I
> can do with this. I can't specify absolute path in
> velocity.properties and I would prefer to avoid
> setting path properties directly in the code (I don't
> know how to it anyway - tried
> Velocity.setProperty("file.resource.loader.path",absolutePathToTemplateDire
>ctory) and it didn't work).
> Maybe it's possible to pass a "default directory" path
> somehow?
> Cheers,
> Leo Asanov
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