What’s New at IV-Therapy.net



                    a.. CathFlo Order 
                    b.. Femoral Line Placement 
                    c.. blood sampling 
                    d.. quad PICCC lines 
                    e.. Tip location for CVADs in policy 
                    f.. Swab caps 
                    g.. The most fundamental question in Nursing 
                    h.. Peripheral IV Site Changes 
                    i.. CHG patch and dressing changes 
                    j.. stabilization devices for PIVs 
                    k.. Accessing Ports 
                    l.. Who does your Pediatric Broviac Repairs- 
                    m.. Port Flushing protocol 
                    n.. Needleless Connector Changes-Home Care 
                    o.. Art Line Placement by RN 
                    p.. PICC competency
                  Please Visit our Sponsors

                  CR Bard
                  Christie Medical Holdings, Inc
                  PICC Excellence
                  3M TegadermTM Dressings

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                  Sarah Kuykendall, RN - retired

                  Web Manager, IV-Therapy.net












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