Hi Folks!

Probably this topic was covered already here before but I couldn't find a clear answer for this doubt.

I have here a NBU 4.5 Datacenter making backup of a bunch of Unix & Linux servers
and I am getting some bperror messages like the following:

TRV:    /folder is in a different file system from /. Skipping.

Giving a look in the docs, I saw that it's not recommendable to use
"Cross mount points" option with ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES set, so I have
only ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES defined.

All partitions are of the same type(ex: ext3)

So, how should I solve this problem ?

Best Regards,

Isamar Maia
Japan: +81-(0)90-2939-2800
Brazil: +55-71-2201-3106(Funcionando!!)

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