On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 02:06:54PM -0700, Kevin Freels wrote:
> We are attempting a migration from NB 4.5FP6 on Solaris 5.8 to NB 6.0 on
> RHEL4 Linux. The big thing, of course, is the catalog migration. Has
> anyone had experience with this?
> Speaking with VeritaSymantec, they say that I need to upgrade the
> Solaris server to 5.x and start with the Linux server at 5.x. Then they
> will perform the migration of the catalog (for a fee, of course, since
> it's not "supported" by Veritas), and then we upgrade to 6.0 on the
> Linux box. And nevermind about the system name change.
> I find it a little odd (but not completely unexpected) that "they do not
> support the migration of the catalog"; surely, we are not the first to
> make such a change. Yet they can perform the migration themselves. I've
> a feeling that they have a tool for this not available to the general
> public, and that it's probably a lot easier than they let on.
> So, has anyone made this type of migration without Veritas' help, and,
> if so, how did you do it? I'm not looking forward to doing imports on a
> thousand tapes.....

Back in 3.4, we did a migration from a Windows master server to a
Solaris master.  Not for the faint at heart!  We had no Veritas
assistance.  We changed host names along the way.  Yes, it was ugly, and
it did take us a couple of attempts before we got it right.

It should be a lot easier from Solaris to Linux since at least your
end-of-line characters are the same.  If I was to tackle your problem,
I'd take the Solaris server to NBU 6 and then copy everything to Linux,
keeping the same host name.  Do not change the host name - make that a
separate project.  My guess is that the migration isn't going to be all
that bad...


Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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