I very much prefer the present operation over Bob's proposal. Some thoughts ...

  1. Many problems iterate to a solution and the iteration steps are
     valuable for their information and for gaining an understanding of
     experience or level of trust with each responder.
  2. Many problems are presented by "newbies".  Because of their lack
     of experience, they probably do not (yet) have a good grasp of
     what is important or what is good or bad advice.  The newbie
     summary would not be as valuable.  Perhaps experts would have
     given important information/explanation, but it would lost in the
3. Many problems aren't initially stated with enough information. With our current format, everyone learns the information that is
  4. This group seems to me to be pretty close to being a
     "community".   The proposal would, IMHO, destroy that community
  5. A number of folks spend a considerable amount of their time, and
     sometimes their employers time, helping readers of this mailing
     list.  They may not be so inclined to write to make individual
     replies.  I won't.

However, that's not to say that we can't strive to all use our time well. I (counter-) propose:

  1. If you're not sure, but want to help, send your response
     privately, not to the group.
  2. If you received good advice, tell the group and summarize the good
  3. If you received good advice privately, summarize the good advice
     to the group, but leave private details (such as the identity of
     the advice giver) private.
  4. Never, never post just "Thanks".

Finally, does anyone know if the mailing list content is available on the web or via Atom/RSS? That might be helpful to Bob or others. The Listserv mailing list manager does, but I don't know about Mailman capabilities.

Hope this helps!

cheers, wayne

Bob Stump wrote, in part,  on 5/12/2006 12:10 PM:
The knowledge and experience level in this group is valuable.
Unfortunately it is also very busy with a single thread growing into multiple replies to all.
Can the volume be cut down by following this simple etiquette?
1) originator posts question
2) participants reply directly to the originator (not reply all)
3) originator collects replies and posts resolution or further enquirers
4) participants reply directly to the originator's additional questions
5) originator posts solution
I have already started following the above described procedure and sent my replies to the originators only. If just the regularly active members follow this etiquette, then perhaps we can grow into a larger community. I realize that not all will comply because new members are added every day. But, very unfortunately there are also members that cancel their subscription due to the high level of activity.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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