This is not something that NBU docs would state, rather, it comes from an understanding of UNIX filesystems and how they are constructed.

So, the basics are, everything is a "file" under UNIX. Directories are no more than files containing lists of other files (directories, and so forth).

Each file contains an inode. Inodes contain information about the file it is attached to. In addition to many other bits of info, ctime, mtime are stored in inode fields. To read the inode fields of a particular file, see the stat command.

Therefore, since NBU backs up UNIX filesystems, it also must backup the associated inodes for each file.


Barber, Layne (Contractor) wrote:
Can someone point me to where in the docs it states that Netbackup backs up the ctime,mtime, inode etc under unix, or what exactly it does backup other than just the data? I have auditors asking about this. I'm sure it does back it up, but I need proof from an NBU doc.
Thank You,
Layne Barber

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