Title: Message
I know what you're thinking, and it's not outside the realms of possibility, but in this case I've checked this :)
We generally have Incremental backups Mon-Thurs, frequency of 12 hours and Full backups Friday, frequency 3 days (we set these up deliberately in case backups failed so they could be kicked off manually and still not mess up the frequency 'window'.
I'm going to create a new policy (from scratch - it's not too much work) on Friday and manually kick it off just before I go. Hopefully this will resolve the issue. The reason I asked my question was because I was trying to figure out if this new policy would carry on from the old one.

From: WEAVER, Simon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 19 July 2006 4:21 PM
To: Wilkinson, Tim; veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: RE: [Veritas-bu] Are client backups connected to specific polices?

Daft question, but what are the Schedules set for in the Policy for the Full and Incrementals?
for example, for your Incremental - goto the properties of the Schedule, under the attributes tab, it should have a frequency set; what is this?
Also, same for the Full - what is this set for?
Have you now created a new policy, copy the OLD policy settings and paste them into the NEWLY created policy perhaps?
Or better still, start afresh.


Simon Weaver
3rd Line Technical Support
Windows Domain Administrator

EADS Astrium Limited, B32AA IM (DCS)
Anchorage Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PU


-----Original Message-----
From: Wilkinson, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 July 2006 00:00
To: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Are client backups connected to specific polices?

It may be an obvious question but I ask it for a reason; we have a policy that appears to be setup correctly and has run at some point (using frequency) but neither the Full backups nor Incrementals backups appear to want to run on their own anymore (presently, I'm having to kick them off manually).
I've tried deactivating then activating, but this hasn't resolved the issue so I might create a new policy (with the same name) and delete the old one. If I do this, will Incrementals carry on from the last or Full backup on the previous policy or does it all start again as it is a new policy (both polices will be exactly the same)?
I'm newish to backup concepts and am guessing because of archive bits, it may just continue form the old policy.

    Tim Wilkinson
    I.T. Support Officer
    Science Corporate Information Systems
    Defence Science & Technology Organisation
    Department of Defence

    Tel: (02) 96921484
    Fax: (02) 96921562

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