Symantec sent a binary that appears to have fixed the issue.

From: Wilkinson, Tim
Sent: Wednesday, 20 September 2006 8:48 AM
Subject: Sec: U NBU 6 & help with Sharepoint

We (I say we but it's actually some colleagues on another site - I'm looking after the backups) had a Sharepoint server that was backing up fine using the Sharepoint agent.
Then the databases were moved to another server (i.e. Sharepoint and IIS are on a 'front-end' server, with the Sharepoint dbs being on a 'back-end' server that runs SQL but not Sharepoint) and now NBU can't backup the databases.
Apparently this is a recommended configuration by Microsoft so it shouldn't be too hard to backup but I'm getting error 13 now (file read failed). I've got a case logged with Symantec but if anyone has any experience with Sharepoint, I'd appreciate and knowledge/help.
Sharepoint was backing up fine before the databases were moved, and is backing up a db called 'INDEX BD1', which appears to be local; it's the Sharepoint databases on the SQL server it can't backup.

    Tim Wilkinson
    I.T. Support Officer
    Science Corporate Information Systems
    Defence Science & Technology Organisation
    Department of Defence

    Tel: (02) 96921484
    Fax: (02) 96921562

Veritas-bu maillist  -

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