Hi All,

More advice sought.
Our environment...
Win2K3 Netbackup Enterprise Master 6.0MP3
2 x Solaris 8 Media Servers 6.0MP3
8 x SDLT drives with SSO.

I want to swap out one of the Solaris media servers for a Linux
(SLES9) media server.
This is so I can utilise an HP disk array as DSU on Linux. The array
does not support Solaris.

My question is which would be the best approach? Any gotchas?

I am thinking of shutting down the Solaris media server, installing
the Linux Media server with the same hostname, then recover the
catalog to the new media server. Perhaps I can just tar up the
appropriate media catalog directories on the old box and restore them
on the new.
Does the NB install process of a media server mess with the master db?
I suspect it would to add itself.
I'd prefer to keep the old media server hostname if possible.

Or should I just install a new media server with a new name, and
redirect any restores of data from the old media server to the new

Thanks in advance,

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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