Working with 6.0MP4 under Solaris 9 (Sparc) and having trouble getting
  the ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES file selection option working.  This is in a test
  environment using a server which was just upgraded from 5.1 MP5.  As
  far as I can tell, the upgrade completed without any errors.

  At this point though if I submit a job using the ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES file
  selection it only creates a backup process for the root filesystem '/'
  and skips the other local filesystems (e.g. /opt, /usr, /var, ...).
  The client is still running 5.1MP5 and was working fine with our
  production 5.1MP5 server.

  I have a call into to Symantec on it, but was wondering if anyone had
  seen this behavior or could point me in the right direction in terms of
  debugging this this?



  John Meyers
  Computing Services
  Wright State University
Veritas-bu maillist  -

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