I, too, agree the 2-week retention should be addressed ... quite risky. 

A few thoughts ...

I recently tested Aptare StorageConsole and one of its out-of-the-box 
displays is close what you're looking for, I think.  When we obtain a 
license, I'll be discarding many scripts ... one of which sort of 
applies here.  The script  looks at all full images for all clients and 
reports the most recent full backup for each client, ordered by oldest 
first.  Look at the top of the list for clients in distress.

This is simple and works great for clients with one image holding 
everything.  It isn't nearly good enough for clients using multiple 
streams or clients that also have Exchange/Oracle/etc images in addition 
to file system images.  I've started more than once to approximate 
"proof" we are successfully backing up at least what we intend.  So far 
I have a bunch of failed attempts that would have worked for simple 
cases, but failed miserably in multitudes of ways.

The best answer for us has always seemed to be getting accurate, 
succinct information in front of the eyes of someone who understands it 
and cares.  But even that is not enough sometimes.  Your idea of keeping 
the last full has promise, but you'll need a process to get rid of the 
images once you really don't want them ... plus, if your data is on 
tape, you'll probably require more media, as tape occupancy goes down 
due to the retention-extended images living alone.

cheers, wayne

Brandon Zermeno wrote, in part,  on 2007-07-19 6:50 PM:
> We had an issue where was server was down for over 2 weeks and the 
> last full backups expired. The retention for this environment is 2 
> weeks. After the tapes expired the App team decided they wanted to 
> restore. Now management wants Veritas to extend the retention period 
> automatically if a full is not successfully run. I do not know of any 
> company that has this capability so I am looking for ideas. I do not 
> think it would be possible for a person to manually track all the 
> servers and their last full and then manually bpexpdate the images. I 
> have pushed back with the question of why was this server allowed to 
> be down for 2 weeks but nobody is answering.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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