I've been watching 249s pop up periodically on a couple of Linux servers.
For the most part, they're Oracle DB Servers, but we don't use the Oracle
agent, just a dump to file and backup the file.

We're running NBU master/media on Win2K3, 6.0MP4.

Client is Linux at 6.0MP4.

What I've seen in the client logs are the following:
23:57:07.183 [12441] <4> bpbkar main: INF - Client completed sending data
for backup

23:57:07.317 [12441] <2> bpbkar main: INF - Total Size:122408951
23:57:07.317 [12441] <2> bpbkar delete_old_files_recur: INF - checking files
in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/hardlink_info for prefix = hardlinks_ and
older than 30 days
23:57:07.317 [12441] <2> bpbkar delete_old_files_recur: INF - checking files
in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/hardlink_info/root for prefix = hardlinks_
and older than 30 days
23:57:07.317 [12441] <2> bpbkar delete_old_files_recur: INF - checking files
in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops for prefix = jbp and older
than 3 days
23:57:07.317 [12441] <2> bpbkar delete_old_files_recur: INF - checking files
in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/nbjlogs for prefix = jbp and
older than 3 days
23:57:07.317 [12441] <2> bpbkar delete_old_files_recur: INF - checking files
in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/root for prefix = jbp and
older than 3 days
23:57:07.317 [12441] <2> bpbkar delete_old_files_recur: INF - checking files
in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/root/logs for prefix = jbp
and older than 3 days
23:57:07.317 [12441] <2> bpbkar delete_old_files_recur: INF - checking files
in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/root/jobs for prefix = jbp
and older than 3 days
23:57:07.317 [12441] <4> bpbkar Exit: INF - bpbkar exit normal
23:57:07.318 [12441] <32> handle_core_signals: FTL - terminated by signal 11
23:57:07.318 [12441] <16> bpbkar Exit: ERR - bpbkar FATAL exit status = 130:
system error occurred

Has anyone seen the 130 for bpbkar before?  The only technote I've found is
this one, pertaining to 5.1:

I've seen something else that indicates that there is a limitation to NBU
Unix clients that the path must be less than 1023 characters.  The paths I'm
seeing are quite short, relatively speaking, less than 100 characters.

Not seeing anything concrete with NBU 6.0 either.


Jason Brooks
Computer Systems Engineer
IITS - Longwood University
voice - (434) 395-2034
fax - (434) 395-2035

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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