On 9/12/07, Brad Hillebrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have any experiences with the Sun/StorageTek T10000 tape drive?

I don't use them, but I did some research.
One gotcha that I came across was the writing speed.  They can only
write at either 120 MB/sec or 50 MB/sec.  There is no in between. Your
disk staging or virtual tape better be able to spit out the data at
one of those rates or the thing will shoe-shine like crazy.

LTO-4 drives are likely to be easier to feed data and a lot cheaper.
I haven't compared prices with the hardware encryption options, but
w/o the encryption the drive prices are something like $5k vs. $30k.

Also LTO-4 native capacity is 800 GB vs 500 GB for the T10k.  Both can
write at 120 MB/Sec.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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