Dave Markham wrote:
> Cheers. Yeah I guess i just wrote rack by habit :)
> I could create a separate policy in netbackup and do RAW file backup 
> of the voting disk. Its another thing to admin schedule etc but it may 
> work.
> For the moment i have just done the following in my 
> bpstart_notify.<policy>
> change $OUTF
>     #Edited by DaveM to create file per stream
>     OUTF=/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/BPSTART_CALLED.$STREAM_NUMBER
> Then added the section at the end before the final exit.
> #Backup oracle voting disk
> VOTEDISK=/opt/app/oracle/oradev/crs/votedsk1
> STAGE=/usr/openv/netbackup/ORA_TEMP_AREA
> #Only do this once per backup
> #trying by STREAM_NUMBER=1
> if [ "$STREAM_NUMBER" = "1" ];then
>     echo "Stream match at STREAM_NUMBER [$STREAM_NUMBER]. Running 
> voting disk backup." >> $OUTF
>     if [ ! -d "$STAGE" ];then
>         mkdir $STAGE
>     fi
>     #Check voting disk is a sym link
>     if [ -h "$VOTEDISK" ];then
>         dd if=$VOTEDISK of=$STAGE/votingdisk bs=4k >/dev/null 2>&1
>         #Exit 1 if above failed
>         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
>             echo "dd process had a problem. Exiting" >>$OUTF
>             exit 1
>         fi
>     else
>         #Exit with error
>         echo "Votingdisk [$VOTEDISK] wasnt a sym link. Exiting" >>$OUTF
>         exit 1
>     fi
> fi
> exit 0
> Jeff Lightner wrote:
>> RMAN can backup raw devices - we'll be doing that on our latest RAC
>> installation on Linux (the earlier one was using OCFS filesystem but
>> still had raw voting disk/OCR which is what prompted my question). 
>> For that matter so can NBU itself can backup raw devices without RMAN.
>> We have some older systems that use raw devices for Oracle DB (no RAC)
>> and our backups for those are done by shutting down the database and
>> letting NBU do a raw device backup.   We know it works because we've
>> used that backup to restore to another system when doing a data refresh.
>> I'm just wondering about the voting disk and OCR for RAC since they are
>> part of CRS (a/k/a Oracle Clusterware).  CRS is a higher level product
>> than the database (that is to say you install everything else AFTER you
>> have CRS working) so I was wondering if there was a backup/restore
>> methodology for CRS itself that included the voting disk and OCR.
>> P.S.  Probably was your spell checker "fixing" it for you but just in
>> case it wasn't - It is "RAC" not "rack".  RAC = Real Application
>> Cluster.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dave Markham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, 
>> February 01, 2008 5:24 AM
>> To: Jeff Lightner
>> Cc: Ed Wilts; veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
>> Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] Another bpstart, oracle and streams question
>> Im no rack expert but the DBA's have said they need that file backing 
>> up. As its a sym link to a raw slice im doing it via dd and the block 
>> size they recommend.
>> Im not sure if the rman job can actually do it as it may not be part 
>> of the DB that Rman hooks into.
>> Its only a 256mb file so i dont think it would harm to back it up if you
>> are unsure.
>> Are the STREAMS issue, im actually thinking what i want may be a bit 
>> easier than running a hot oracle backup.
>> I just need this job to run once so coulndt if do an if statement 
>> something like below :-
>> if [ $STREAM = 1 ]
>> then
>> do the checks and dd etc
>> fi
>> This would then hold the first stream until the dd job had finished 
>> and then back it up.
>> Hmm one issue i guess is i need to make sure the stream im checking 
>> for is the same stream as the file system the voting disk will be 
>> backed up
>> to.
>> Does anyone have confirmation of the STREAM variables passed to 
>> bpstart_notify ??
>> cheers
>> Jeff Lightner wrote:
>>> Curious about this thread - so far as I know we're not doing 
>>> anything special for backing up voting disk and OCR for Oracle RAC 
>>> (unless the DBAs somehow set this up via RMAN to the policies we 
>>> created in NBU). Is this something we should be doing?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Ed
>> Wilts
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 31, 2008 10:50 AM
>>> *Cc:* veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Veritas-bu] Another bpstart, oracle and streams
>> question
>>> The short answer is: don't even try if you have multiple disks. You 
>>> *may* be able to get away with it now using the parent/child job 
>>> functionality that got added in 6.0 but we haven't tested this, having
>>> given up on a long time ago after a multi-year battle.
>>> Sure, you can get it work most of the time, and many people do. 
>>> However, there are many, many edge cases where this will break down, 
>>> and if you do go down this route, you'll find some them eventually. 
>>> You'll find cases where the bpstart didn't run or the bpend didn't 
>>> run, or they'll run twice.
>>> We definitely had a really, really bright guy working on the 
>>> bpstart/bpend scripts and he could not solve the problem so that it 
>>> was 100% reliable. We simply wanted to put Oracle into hotbackup mode,
>>> do the backups, and take it out of hotbackup mode. Like you said, 
>>> you'll be writing some logic around it. However, you'll be writing and
>>> writing and writing, tweaking it regularly as you run into all of 
>>> the edge conditions and you'll cuss and swear as you stumble over 
>>> them. Bottom line: it can't be done reliably.
>>> Use a different method of coordinating this.
>>> .../Ed
>>> On Jan 31, 2008 8:57 AM, Dave Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>> Guys im running Netbackup 6.0mp4 and a number of oracle SSO media
>>> servers backing themselves up. Solaris9/10
>>> This has been mentioned before many times im sure and i found a thread
>>> on it called 'Yet another bpstart/bpend questions' but i dont have a
>>> copy of it to reply to.
>>> Basically as im running a UNIX backup (forget oracle for the moment)
>> and
>>> we have multistreams set and all_local_drives directive, a
>>> bpstart_notify script we have which does this (there are extra checks
>>> etc also):-
>>> dd if=/path/to/votedsk1 of=$STAGING/votingdisk bs=4k >/dev/null 2>&1
>>> ..is obviously running on each stream which is kicked off.
>>> I just need it to run once.
>>> There was talk about the bpstart script taking a STREAMS parameter but
>>> it doesnt say so within the /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies version
>> so
>>> can anyone confirm there are STREAMS variables passed to it?
>>> I was thinking ( perhaps like many people ) to create some lock file
>> and
>>> then remove it. This leads to all sorts of issues regarding streams
>>> restarting, certain ones finishing before others etc and so i'd need
>> to
>>> create some good logic around it.
>>> What are people doing in the wild?
>>> I just need the above command to run once per backup.
>>> -- 
>>> Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
>> ----------------------------------
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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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