> > We currently have a lot of investment in LTO3 Drives and 
> > Tapes and moving forward with LTO4. Is there a way we can
> > se LTO4 Media Type to be different than HCART3 in Netbackup?

Yes, call it whatever you want.  Either manually or with barcode rules,
bring your new LTO4 media in as hcart.  Make your LTO4 drives also
hcart.  If your LTO3 drives and LTO3 media are both hcart3, NetBackup
will only put hcart3 tapes in hcart3 drives, hcart into hcart, 8mm into

> The problem is that if you have only 1 scratch pool.  Mixing 
> LTO-3 and LTO-4 can cause you some grief.

Unless I'm having a memory parity error--always possible--I used to run
5.x (at least, probably earlier), a scratch pool and two drive types
with corresponding media.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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