Dean wrote:

    After thinking about it I decided to trying running the bpmedia
    -unfreeze on each of the SAN servers for each tape

I was going to suggest that. When you run the "bpmedialist" command, it should tell you which media server "owns" that tape. And I have seen a situation where more than one media server thought it owned a tape, in which case bpmedialist will only return the first media server that claims to own that tape. So I had to run the "bpexpdate" command on the first media server, then "bpmedialist" again, then "bpexpdate" again on the second media server that claimed the tape.
This was pointed out to me by a couple of other off-list posters. There are so many media that they scrolled off the screen. When I dumped them to a file so that I could search it I only saw the master server name. Since I ran the command on the master server I didn't think anything about it. My random searching never found a tape close to a SAN server entry. Otherwise it would have reminded me that I have a media database on each SAN server :-)

    My apologies for the added emails.  Why can't I figure this out
    before I hit the send button :-)

Sometimes just "verbalising" the question is enough to make the answer come of it's own accord :)
Its amazing that 5 hours of verbalizing and thinking about it won't produce anything while clarity comes 5 minutes after sending a post :-)



- Dean


Jeff Cleverley
Unix Systems Administrator
4380 Ziegler Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

Veritas-bu maillist  -

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