> Actually we are implementing the Netbackup SQL Agent for all our SQL 
> databases. So iam finding the best method to implement the 
> Full, Diff & 
> tlog backup.
> Full  - Needs to run weekends
> Diff.  - Needs to Run week days 
> TLog - Needs to run every 15 minutes
> This is the requirement.

And, IMO, an exceedingly bad idea.

If you have a NetBackup instance solely to be a little log-backup
utility for the database, fine.  Otherwise, this a) holds your
enterprise backup solution hostage to a database, b) if backups every 15
minutes are a requirement, you'd better have a _very_ high-availability
backup solution, c) the database should be writing logs to some decent
storage that is not in the same place as the database, d) NetBackup
isn't a real-time app--you couldn't afford to use NetBackup in any
meaningful way, in the way it was designed to work, because your/their
scheme assumes that NetBackup can reliably start the transaction log job
every 15 minutes--the load will be low enough, there will always be free
tapes and drives, e) why 15 minutes?--surely the database is really busy
at some point of the day or night and really idle at others, so this
sounds like somebody's half-baked guess, ... 

Suggest a better course is advising the DBAs to do their job and write
logs to some reliable storage, not where the database lives, and have
enough space that the logs will not fill it in the longest backup outage
you plan for.  Then give them a user schedule with appropriate windows
and other parameters in a SQL Server policy so that they can initiate
the log backups when needed.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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