Under reports do the 'Tape Written' report for the dates you want.





From: veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
[mailto:veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu] On Behalf Of Baumann,
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 2:45 PM
To: VERITAS-BU@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Tape usage for last 15 days




Is there a way to find out how many tapes that I have used in the past
15 days?  I don't need to know what is on the tapes, just if they have
been written to or not.


Any help will be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance.




Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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