A quick update is that I was able to configure the NetApp using the tpconfig -add -nh command line. It finished with no errors and the NDMP host gui window now shows the NetApp. The set_ndmp_attr -verify works and seems to talk to the filer OK. The tpautoconf still fails. A test backup policy fails with error 57 and the connection refused to host message.

I think I'm getting closer. Any additional suggestions would be appreciated.



Jeff Cleverley wrote:
The tpautoconf doesn't work because it won't let me set up the filer as a host. I've turned on the debug level but I'm not seeing any entries from the master server. It appears the requests are not actually getting sent.

The pbx is something I don't know much about. Is it possible this isn't configured correctly and may be causing the problem?



pharr...@comcast.net wrote:

Run "tpautoconf -verify /ndmp_host_name/" and verify that access is granted

Its located in /usr/openv/volmgr/bin

If it failes, enable ndmp debugging on the filer (ndmpd debug 50), and re-run

Check the filer's ndmps log (generally in //filername/$/etc/ndmpd.log) for clues.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Cleverley" <jeff.clever...@avagotech.com>
To: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 7:48:06 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: [Veritas-bu] NDMP authentication failing for NetApp.


I'm trying to get a remote NDMP backup connection going between my new 6.5.3 RHEL master and one of our NetApp filers ( We have a non-root account on the filer (ndmpuser) and have given it a password. This has been used by Operations Manager in the past with no problems. When I try to set up credentials for that NDMP host, I use the user name "ndmpuser" and the encrypted password I got from running "ndmpd password ndmpuser" on the filer. This fails authentication. The filer is running NDMP version 4.

The error message is coming back saying the media servers could not be reached or the credentials are invalid. The tape library is on the master server so I have not set the filer up as a media server. The filer is a production system getting backups from 4 different countries so I'm reluctant to start changing NDMP levels or password length options.
Please tell me what I'm missing.




Jeff Cleverley
Unix Systems Administrator
4380 Ziegler Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
_______________________________________________ Veritas-bu maillist - Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu http://mailman.eng.auburn.edu/mailman/listinfo/veritas-bu


Jeff Cleverley
Unix Systems Administrator
4380 Ziegler Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu


Jeff Cleverley
Unix Systems Administrator
4380 Ziegler Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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