
Rule #1.  Don't let your vendors dictate how you run your business :-)

The backup policies used for off-site storage vary based on need.  In your
case since you need to be able to restore anything from a given day within
90 days, you need to send incrementals off-site.  I'm sure the local CE will
be able to fix it up for you so that incrementals go to tape also.

Since he isn't used to doing something like this, I would make sure that
when he is setting up the policy that the retention of the full backups is a
week longer than the retention of your incrementals.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Heathe Yeakley <hkyeak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm deploying a NetApp Virtual Tape Library at work right now, and I
> have an engineer from NetApp coming in to help me set it up. I was
> explaining to him how we rotate tapes, and he seemed a little
> bewildered at our rotation method. I've never done tape
> backup/recovery anywhere else, so to me, our way is "normal", in that
> it's the only way I've ever been shown how to do this.
> - - = = Cycle = = - -
> About 99% of our customers are backed up via policies with the
> following attributes:
> * They get a Full backup 1 night a week and differential-incrementals
> the other 6 nights.
> * We have an on-site vault where tapes go for a week. After a week,
> Iron Mountain comes and gets them.
> * We ship Full AND Differential-Incrementals off-site for 90 days
> (<--- This is the bullet point that bewilders my VTL engineer)
> In laying out the VTL, my NetApp engineer tells me that he wants to
> make a virtual library for all Full backups and a Virtual Library for
> the Diffs. I figured we'd just have 1 virtual library for everything.
> He explained to me that since we want to write the Full backups out to
> physical tape, that we need a separate Virtual Library for the Full
> backups on so that we can enable the "Direct Tape Creation" feature on
> that VTL. When I told him I needed to write the Diffs to physical tape
> also, so that I could send both offsite, he seemed to think that was
> really odd. He claims that all the other VTLs he's deployed typically
> look like this:
> * Fulls are written to VTL, then to tape (D2D2T). The physical tapes
> are then sent offsite for whatever the retention period is.
> * Differential-Incremental and Cumulative-Incrementals are written to
> the VTL, but then they sit there for maybe 2-4 weeks. They are never
> written to tape, and therefore never sent offsite.
> On one hand, I kinda understand the logic here. If the definition of
> Differential-Incremental and Cumulative-Incrementals is essentially
> differing levels of backups since the last full, it wouldn't make
> sense to write incrementals out to tape since next week's Full starts
> the process over again.
> However, in the SLA I have with my customers, I state that I can
> recover data from any point within a 90 day window. While the chance
> is slim, there's always that possibility that I get a restore request
> to recover a file from 89 days ago. If I'm only sending full backups
> off site, I'd be able to recover the full backup, but I wouldn't have
> any incrementals to restore that file to the exact point in time my
> customer needs.
> So, I guess my question is:
> How does everyone else handle incrementals? Do you send them offsite
> with the Fulls, or do you just have Fulls go offsite and keep
> incrementals onsite for X retention period?
> Thank you.
> - Heathe Kyle Yeakley
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Jeff Cleverley
Unix Systems Administrator
4380 Ziegler Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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