I don't have a script that'll do this - it's possible, I think but it'll
be a major pain to create.

You'll have to use bpimagelist to get the majority of the information,
it'll have the start & elapsed times (you can calculate end time) for
each image.  It'll also have the backupid for that image.

You could then use bpflist and that backupid to get a view of the backup
which occurred.  From that, if you sort to the shortest path (by subdir
count) you could then infer which filesystem was backed up by that

Just quickly... here's the IMAGE record from a backup of mine:

IMAGE lp91 0 0 8 lp91_1261022563 Smaug_FS 0 *NULL* NetBackup Incr 1 3
1261022563 2742 1263700963 0 0 44557223 6643 1 29 0
Smaug_FS_1261022563_INCR.f *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
*NULL* 0 0 0 *NULL* 586876 0 0 709075 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0

Buried in here are field for start time, elapsed time, etc.

Then you could cross-reference through bpflist:

bpflist -client lp91 -backupid lp91_1261022563 \
-policy Smaug_FS -d 12/15/2009 -rl 9 -option ONLY_DIRS \
| awk '{print $10}' |sort -r | tail

...and it returns...


That last line is the "top level" of the files that were backed up.

It probably could be sorted better - use a field-count based on "/" as a
field separator.  Shortest field-count wins.

Something like this will print the smallest field-count based on a "/"
separator (replace the sort|tail with this):

awk -F'/' '{if(NR==1){f=NF;save=$0}
           END{print save}'

It's a starting point anyway.


-----Original Message-----
From: veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
[mailto:veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 6:24 PM
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Veritas Netbackup Report Status by each mount

Dear All,

Many thanks for contributing your scripts for various reports. I am ver.
6.5.4 on Red hat. Sorry to say could not find the report where I can
extract the backup details by each mount point.

My Majority backups are being done by multiple data Streams and

Not sure if possible I can get the report as

Job ID # Policy Name # Client Name # Mount Point # Start Time # End Time
# Elapsed Time# #MB backup # Backup Status etc... we want to charge to
other departments by the total size of backup. Not you if you want to
add some more.....?

Client       Type  Status  MediaSvr   Start_Time           End_Time
Elapsed  Kilobytes        Files

aceaix1s     Diff       0  ebsmaster  10/04/2004 00:11:07  10/04/2004
01:03:53   00:52:46    651929          589
aceaix2s     Diff       0  ebsmaster  10/04/2004 00:11:07  10/04/2004
00:59:42   00:48:35     27478           93
ams1an01p    Diff       1  ebsmaster  10/04/2004 01:10:15  10/04/2004
01:26:16   00:16:01   3604735         3606
ams2an01p    Diff       0  ebsmaster  10/04/2004 01:10:15  10/04/2004
01:21:32   00:11:17    486168         2752
amsaix1d     Diff       1  ebsmaster  10/04/2004 00:11:07  10/04/2004
01:03:18   00:52:11    497548          166
amsaix1s     Diff       0  ebsmaster  10/04/2004 00:11:07  10/04/2004
01:43:35   01:32:28   1795347         1473

As I am heaving a server with about 200 mount points. So I want to know
the status of each mount point.



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