One way to solve this problem is to use encryption.  Use a key-per-tape
procedure and when the tape images expire, destroy the key.  There will be
no way to ever get that data back and the tape can sit in your scratch pool
for years.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 4:01 PM, bruceephx <> wrote:

> I'll give a reason for using specific tapes, litigation discovery.  Our
> email backups need to go to specific tapes so that the tapes are reused
> within 24 hours of the image(s) expiring.  If you used scratch tapes, when
> the image expires the data is still on the tape, it can be re-imported and
> recovered.  We have many dozen scratch tapes, so the email backups could
> exist for weeks after the images expire.
Veritas-bu maillist  -

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