Hello All,

Currently I have a scratch media pool for all of my LT02 and 3 tapes. Also, I 
tried to set another scratch media for my WORM tapes.. All the jobs have been 
running for a couple of months. The problem is that I need to assign tapes 
manually to my WORM policy, since NBU does not pick up the tapes automatically. 
Any idea how can I set another WORM type scratch pool for WORM media only? This 
way I can have NBU pickup my WORM tapes from my scratch media?

Running Win2k 64 bit
Netbackup 6.5.5
Storagetek L700 library

Thank you,

Ulises R.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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