Hi All,

We are facing a peculiar problem , where  policies starting around midnight are 
launching only parent jobs, but none of those parent jobs launch child jobs for 
each listed client in policy. The same client works fine if we start manual 
backup with same policy. Working with Symantec actively, but if anyone faced 
the problem already, would like to know how it got fixed.


Env: Netabckup running on solaris 10. All master, media server and 
client same versions.

Job details shows as follows:

05/24/2010 23:55:00 - requesting resource ADIC_LAN_MS
05/24/2010 23:55:00 - requesting resource nynbuprod1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.n071-s
05/24/2010 23:55:00 - requesting resource 
05/24/2010 23:55:08 - granted resource  nynbuprod1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.n071-s
05/24/2010 23:55:08 - granted resource  nynbuprod1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.fs_2355_ip
05/24/2010 23:55:08 - granted resource  N00877
05/24/2010 23:55:08 - granted resource  nyprod1ms4_tld0_20cbn
05/24/2010 23:55:08 - granted resource  nyprod1ms4-hcart3-tld-0
05/24/2010 23:55:11 - estimated 49077 kbytes needed
05/24/2010 23:55:11 - begin Parent Job
05/24/2010 23:55:11 - begin Stream Discovery: Start Notify Script
05/24/2010 23:55:13 - started process RUNCMD (pid=11187)
Operation Status: 0
05/24/2010 23:55:15 - end Stream Discovery: Start Notify Script; elapsed time 
05/24/2010 23:55:15 - begin Stream Discovery: Stream Discovery
05/24/2010 23:55:19 - started process bpmount (pid=6261)
Operation Status: 0
05/24/2010 23:55:21 - end Stream Discovery: Stream Discovery; elapsed time 
05/24/2010 23:55:21 - begin Stream Discovery: Policy Execution Manager 
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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