On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 7:06 AM, Lightner, Jeff <jlight...@water.com> wrote:

>   As to not running on CentOS – The only thing I know of off the top of my
> head that blows up on install is Oracle products but that is simply because
> they put a routine in that tells it which OSes they’re allowed to run on.

I'm a long-time Linux admin - my RHCE goes back to 2004 - and have seen HP
products fail to install and heard from our NetApp SE that at least one of
their products won't install either.   Yeah, you can hack both to make them

I’d disagree with what you say about the release cycle of CentOS – since its
> releases are tied to RHEL’s it has the same release cycle (delayed
> somewhat).
There are no guarantees with CentOS.  They take the published sources and
recompile them, sometimes with different options, are known to install
different libraries, and they do not necessarily using the same compilers
and options that Red Hat uses to build RHEL.

As I said before, it's highly likely you can make it work.  But when you're
dropping tens to hundreds of thousands of bucks for your NBU licenses,
server hardware, and backup hardware and media, saving a grand over 3 years
doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  If you spend more than 3 or 4 days over
3 years trying to decide if you have a CentOS-specific issue or have to
research specific patches in CentOS vs RHEL, you've blow away all of your
savings.  And yes, I spent a bunch of hours trying to simply get a client
release installed way back when because of libraries that were installed by
default on RHEL weren't installed by default on CentOS.

If you have a lot of systems, you can potentially save a lot of money
running CentOS instead of buying a RHEL subscription especially if there's a
lot of commonality amongst them.  The odds are high that you'll have only 1
or 2 master servers.  I can make a lot more money for my company solving
hard problems than researching stupid one-off issues in a release that the
vendor won't even support.


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