Geeks?  Ha! if you only knew.  .  .

The purpose of SLP is a hugh concept & one that you need to understand. This is 
a great step towards Tiering your storage - or whatever you might like. Sounds 
like more confusion? .  .  . wait there's more.

A Storage Lifecycle Policy is a pre-defined parameter assigned to a "Storage 
Unit Process" - say it this way because while a storage unit collect the data 
on some type of storage medium, the "Life-Cycle" part could mean that after "x" 
number of days, I want the data on this "Lifel-Cycle" to be moved to a 
lower-leve "Life-Cycle of storage medium.
This kind of talk a few years ago was stuff new acrnyms were being made from. 
In Netbackup, the SLP's a totally customizeable, the Platimun, Silve, Bronze 
are just canned names to give you something to start with.
They're really a way to defins a way to teir your backup storage data.
You might back up to disk, then after 1 week, move it off to tape & delete the 
date off the disk. A month later, then data might get moved to some other 
lower-lifecycle storage. 
Make sense?

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