> Got a File Server with a share that is approx 400GB and contains
> millions of files.
> San Media Win2k3 Sp2 & NBU 7.0.1 talking to a 7.0.1 Master
> Problem: We have identified 40,000 files, of various types (ie:
> word, excel, jpeg, bmp, pdf) that are ZERO bytes. They appear to
> have been like this for 4 months [...]
> 1) Files are scattered across various folders / subfolders that are
> in use
> 2) I cant just restore everythink back to its original location,
> because there are files that have been recently used and amended

Restoring from a file of filenames (as has been suggested), to a
different directory, would be my preference.  Then maybe script a
comparison between the list of zero-byte files and the ones you have

If that is impractical and you have a backup of the current state of
the server, zero-byte files and all, you could 
a) rename/move/delete the zero-byte files and 
b) restore the entire share to original location but do NOT check
Overwrite existing files.  You should get 40,000 restores and
(millions - 40,000) "file exists" messages in the log.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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