Hi Tom,

Thx for the quick feedback.... We've already tried
this suggestion (from Symantec tech support).
This is what we did:
1) hastop -all

2) One one VCS host, assigned 2 BRAND NEW LUNS
(non-shared) from our storage and created a new
TEST_DISKGRP with those 2 LUNS.

3) Created one test volume and vxfs on it and mounted
it on /mnt/testvol (perms were 777).
(for e.g.
mout -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/TEST_DISKGRP/testvol

4) In the /etc/exports file, we put the foll.line:
/mnt/testvol *(rw,sync)

5) exportfs -ra

6) From the NFS client, tested it via:
$>mount -t nfs

7) The result was the same: "reason given by server:
Permission denied."

We've already checked the comms..The nfs-client can
ping the vcs-servers and the virtual-IP addr (for
Similarly the VCS-hosts can ping successfully the

We got one more additional server with the same
architecture and plain RHEL AS 4 U3 (NO VERITAS
component)...we tried exporting a local FS and
mounting it on our NFS-client successfully. 

While going thru' various NFS-mailing list, I came
across one more possible soln is to add the following
lines to /etc/fstab on VCS-hosts:

nfsd    /proc/fs/nfsd nfsd auto,defaults  0 0
sunrpc /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rpc_pipefs     
auto,defaults  0 0


I've already added 1st line with no avail..But
tomorrow I will try to add 2nd line and see if that

--- Tom Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dharmesh,
>       This may sound a bit repetitive from what support
> has told you,
> but here's what I'd try:
> First, this appears to be a NFS problem.  Even so,
> what I would do is
> first isolate it completely from VCS.  To do this, I
> would stop VCS
> (hastop -all) and make sure that all the resources
> were offline.  Then I
> would bring up the IP, import the disks, mount the
> mounts, ect... by
> hand.  Then I would try to access it from the
> client.  (If you really
> want to, you could try and export something that
> wasn't under VxVM
> control too).  If you can do it manually, then you
> know that there isn't
> a issue say with network connectivity, /etc/hosts or
> the like.  If you
> are still getting the same error, then...
> I'd check your /etc/exports file.  Make double sure
> that the volume is
> exported.  Also ensure that your client is
> attempting to mount the
> volume with the same permissions as listed.  (In
> other words that you
> client is not trying to mount a ro FS rw)
> If you've made any changes to /etc/exports, type
> exportfs -ra.
> Verify /proc/fs/nfs/exports (and /var/lib/nfs/xtab)
> are correct. 
> Check that comms are good between the server and
> client, and that
> everyone knows who the other is.  Ping the client
> from the server and
> the server from the client.  Make sure that the
> names used are the same
> as when you do the mount, and that there is not
> /etc/hosts entry messing
> things up.
>       Tom
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Dharmesh
> Kamdar
> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:23 PM
> To: veritas-ha@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
> Subject: [Veritas-ha] Unable to mount volumes on
> nfs-client in VSF 4.1
> MP2for RHEL 4 AS U3 hosts.....
> Hi,
> We have 2 node VCS cluster. The specifics are as
> follows:
> Product Version : VERITAS Storage Foundation v4.1
> MP2
> for Linux
> # of nodes in VCS : 2
> HOST OS : RHEL AS 4 U3 (32 bit --
> kernel-->2.6.9-34smp)
> We've defined one fail-over service grp with bunch
> of
> volumes to be shared via NFS. The service group
> fails-over back-and-forth between 2 VCS nodes just
> fine.
> Howsoever, when we try to mount the exported volumes
> on an NFS-client, we keep getting following error:
> "reason given by server: Permission denied."
> The NFS-client is also running RHEL AS 5 U3.
> We also tried changing the permissions of
> mount-points
> on the VCS  hosts (/mnt/vcsvol*) to be 777.
> 1) SELinux is OFF on both the VCS hosts and the
> NFS-client
> 2) FIREWALL is OFF on both the VCS hosts and the
> NFS-client
> We've opened a case with Symatec tech-support as
> well..So far, we both (ourself and Symatec
> tech-support) have tried following things without
> any
> luck:
> 1) tried AIX client with the same results...
> 2) Upgraded the NFS package on all VCS hosts and
> nfs-client to the latest level (as per RED HAT
> Errata)
> 3) Checked to see host.deny/hosts.allow on both the
> VCS nodes and nfs-client....They all are empty.
> 3) Included foll. line in /etc/fstab on both the
> VCS-nodes and nfs-client as well:
> nfsd /proc/fs/nfsd nfsd       defaults 0 0
> 4) Tried to export the shares to a specific
> nfs-client
> (via main.cf) and also  tried changing the "Client"
>  value to "*" in the SHARES part of
> main.cf...without
> any luck.
> 5) We also tried providing "no_root_squash" in the
> SHARE part of main.cf for one volume to see if that
> helps. But no luck.
> 6) We also checked the foll. technote:
> http://seer.entsupport.symantec.com/docs/277033.htm
> We see that NFS is not supported for SLES..but for
> RH
> it seems supported.
> 7) The major and minor numbers for the shared
> diskgrp
> have already been checked.
> The main.cf file has been ratified by Symantec
> tech-support...but am pasting here for reference..
> Will really appreciate any tips/tricks/pointers to
> resolve this issue.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Dharmesh.
> ============ main.cf ========================
> include "vcsApacheTypes.cf"
> include "types.cf"
> cluster vcssvc4 (
>       UserNames = { admin = xxxxx }
>       Administrators = { admin }
>       CounterInterval = 5
>       )
> system host_1 (
>       )
> system host_2 (
>       )
> group VCS_NFS_SG (
>       SystemList = { host_2 = 0, host_1 = 1 }
>       AutoStartList = { host_2, host_1 }
>       )
>       DiskGroup VCS_NFS_DG (
>               DiskGroup = RH4_VCS_DG
>               StartVolumes = 1
>               StopVolumes = 1
>               )
>       IP VCS_NFS_IP (
>               Device = eth0
>               Address = ""
>               NetMask = ""
>               )
>       Mount VCS_NFS_MOUNT_VOL1 (
>               MountPoint = "/mnt/vcsvol1"
>               BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/RH4_VCS_DG/vcs_vol1"
>               FSType = vxfs
>               MountOpt = rw
>               FsckOpt = "-n"
>               SnapUmount = 1
>               )
>       Mount VCS_NFS_MOUNT_VOL2 (
>               MountPoint = "/mnt/vcsvol2"
>               BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/RH4_VCS_DG/vcs_vol2"
>               FSType = vxfs
>               MountOpt = rw
=== message truncated ===

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