One volume failed in a disk group just a moment ago. On hardware level 
everything seems quite; all the paths are ok, the SAN disk is online & well and 
so on. No logs show a hardware failure.
However now i see this:
# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
EVA80000_1   auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg146_01  pt_dwhdg146  online nohotuse
EVA80000_3   auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg146_02  pt_dwhdg146  online nohotuse
EVA80000_4   auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg250_01  pt_dwhdg250  online nohotuse
EVA80000_5   auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg250_02  pt_dwhdg250  online nohotuse
EVA80000_7   auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg146_03  pt_dwhdg146  online nohotuse
EVA80000_8   auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg250_move_01  pt_dwhdg250_move online 
EVA80000_9   auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg146_04  pt_dwhdg146  online nohotuse
EVA80000_10  auto:cdsdisk    -            -            error
EVA80000_11  auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg250_04  pt_dwhdg250  online nohotuse
EVA80000_12  auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg146_06  pt_dwhdg146  online nohotuse
EVA80000_13  auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg250_06  pt_dwhdg250  online nohotuse
EVA80000_14  auto:cdsdisk    pt_dwhdg250_05  pt_dwhdg250  online nohotuse
c0t0d0s2     auto:sliced     rootdg01     rootdg       online nohotuse
c1t0d0s2     auto:sliced     rootdg02     rootdg       online nohotuse
-            -         pt_dwhdg146_05 pt_dwhdg146  failed nohotuse 

When i still could see details of the disk it said "Bad format".
Now i get:
# vxdisk list pt_dwhdg146_05
VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-558 Disk pt_dwhdg146_05: Disk not in the configuration
Messages show only this:
Mar 22 12:26:47 mdr-platinum vxfs: [ID 702911 kern.warning] WARNING: msgcnt 541 
mesg 039: V-2-39: vx_write
super - /dev/vx/dsk/pt_dwhdg146/DATA99 file system super-block write error
Mar 22 12:26:47 mdr-platinum vxfs: [ID 702911 kern.warning] WARNING: msgcnt 542 
mesg 031: V-2-31: vx_disab
le - /dev/vx/dsk/pt_dwhdg146/DATA99 file system disabled

Any idea what might have happened? Is there any way to restore the disk?


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